All your unbiased good finds in one place. From tools to keep kids safe, to thought provoking videos... find the resources mentioned in our programs here!
Eliminate Screen Time Stress & Protect Brain Development

Did you know 90% of parents use NO limiting or monitoring software?! Having to nag their kids to stop or physically remove devices- creating a lot of stress and leaving their kids open to predators, mental health struggles, and digital addictions. Parents we know you need more support when it comes to screens and are struggling to make sense of how to best guide your children in the digital age! This is why we urge you to book an Discovery Call to pinpoint the best approach for your family based on your child’s age and unique sensitivities: Reduce, Reimagine, or Detox? You can also get started making big changes yourself just by downloading your copy of the Screen Time Clinic Media Guide that summarizes all the latest studies with the best printable resources, and areas to consider when creating your own Screen Smart Family Technology Plan. This digital download is updated quarterly so you can be assured you are receiving the best information with proven resources!
Screen Smart Essential Tools

Conscious Tech Uncoupling
Becoming tech intentional to protect mental health and relationships with others starts with the ability to set devices aside for prolong periods of time. Uncoupling from the constant pull of your personal devices builds a solid foundation for self discipline and protects from digital addictions. Store your phones in style out of sight to thrive as humans. We recommend Bagby Pocket Holder Bagby Tech Away Box LootBox All ages benefit from a tech-away spot, the easiest way to start new routines!

Safe Device for Kids
Must Have for Youth: Distraction Free Phones instead of iPhones Stop hassling with parental controls on iPhones, Androids, and even flip phones — opt for a safe distraction free phone and safe watches. They are the gold standard in good parenting tech practices. We recommend: First, opt for watches instead of phones with CosmoCosmoTogether use discount code CLINIC15 to get 15% off! Then check out special phones from Bark Bark and Gabb Gabb using these links for an extra discount!

Monitor and Limit Devices
Parental control settings on apps and Apple Devices are highly unreliable and easily modified! Install software like Ourpact by OurPact to help you easily protect & manage your child’s screen time, app access, messages, multiple devices, alerts and documentation of harm. Bark Technologies Bark also provides software and safe devices. If your child only has access to a computer at home, use Mesh Wifi to limit time and pages. Gryphon Mesh Wifi system
Critical Screen Time Information to Consider

New Warnings for Newborns
No screens for Infants, toddler, even Preschoolers
Just as you would abstain from smoking and drinking while pregnant, it’s now known to be equally important to keep screens away from littles during the critical brain development period from birth to age 8! Emotional, developmental, and learning problems are highly correlated with even an hour a day, often used as a break or pacifier by mothers not knowing the risks.
Eight minutes under 8 years old is the new best practice recommendations which it’s hard to do without knowing WHY and how to manage downtown and soothing babies without screens. Extensive new research supports the notion that less or none is best, even tho many parents have turned to screen time an effective babysitter to calm, restrain, or quiet youngsters, not knowing the high cost of brain trauma causing future learning, behavioral , and developmental problems. Read the JAMA studies on 12/2022 and also 8/2023 in addition to many other studies since the pandemic conducted world wide. Read more about the association between toddlers and behavior/learning problems due to screens. New guides are out for preschool media use focusing on limited high quality content, if any, encouraging minimal viewing and debunking myths that children need screens to learn reading and writing before they enter school. See more research in our article section and consider hosting a “Screen Smart Babies” seminar for your business or baby group!
Books: Better than Screen Time
Reading is More important than Ever
Research continues to show profound benefits of reading aloud with children and one of the most protective activities parents can do with children instead of screen time. Reading from books rather than digital readers also protects brain development. Literacy for older children is important for academic achievement and also self-soothing, relaxing, and creativity. We highly recommend parents of littles read the book Screen Smart Sam written by Screen Time Clinic founder, Nicole Rawson.

Read this book with young children to start discussions and prevent screen dependency problems.
Visit Screen Smart Families to see our recommended book list for more great books on digital wellness for both parents and children. There is also a new version of Screen Smart Sam published in India in 2022 co-authored by Sudhalini Devadason of UpTurnLearning!
Thought Provoking Screen Time Videos To Watch Together

Recommended Playlist
More Helpful Screen Time Resources

Removing Nudes
Having nudes online is scary,
but there is hope to get it taken down.
This service is one step you can take to help remove online nude, partially nude, or sexually explicit photos and videos taken before you were 18. It's best never to take or share explicit photos, but often pressure to do so is overwhelming and teens make impulsive mistakes. Get help removing those photos to prevent emotional harm, extortion, and distribution of CSAM. Note that Snapchat and TikTok does NOT participate in this initiative nor effectively moderate their own content. Best not to use social media until 18+ however this is a new resources for teens finding themselves in trouble online.

Big Tech Lawsuits
Social Media and Gaming Companies know their programs cause harm to minors yet they continue to allow access and promote continual use. Class action lawsuits are speculated to be the only way to force change in the design and age verification, holding platforms accountable for the harms they cause by design and facilitate online. 12/11/22 60 Minutes Special on Lawsuits Learn what you can do to Fight Back with Class Action Lawsuits and petitions for change
Fight Back

Fairplay Advocacy
The USA and most countries need design protections and clear age restrictions in place to protect youth online. NO amount of screen time has been proven safe for youth. The American Academy of Pediatrics and many other organizations are influenced by Big Tech just as Tobacco lined the pockets of regulators. The harms of AI addictive design has greatly outpaced the warnings in most countries; CDC, AAP, APA modest recommendations are lax and outdated. Note the USA Surgeon General's Warnings about Screen Time in 2021 and 2023 -- policies can not be implemented as quickly as harms multiply online! Parents take notice and TAKE ACTION to reduce or eliminate read more social media harms and join Fairplay unbiased advocacy group for change.
Join Fairplay

Helpful Resources & Research
Links to research studies & articles latest and unbiased research in the news and often referenced on our social media posts or seminars. The research is CLEAR-- no screen time has been proven safe without changing neurological connections, even 15 minutes for some causes dysfunction, prolonged use in children changes neuroplacticity that can last a lifetime of digital media addictions if not corrected with behavior modifications before mid-20s. Read the stats on predators, social media, gaming, and other serious concerns that has all experts concerned.
Article Links

Hold The Tech Gifts
Read our blog post from 2020 about this important issue you can easily avoid, it's not worth the headaches a few excited moments of gift giving technology creates!Plus this article published in Nov 2022 gives critical insight on why low-tech non commercialized gifts are best for kids, written by By Susan Linn, author of “Who’s Raising the Kids? Big Tech, Big Business, and the Lives of Children?” and founder of the watchdog nonprofit Fairplay.
Hold the Phones

Rethink tech and education
Research that shows Tech use is not imperative for academic success or student well-being, and The EdTech Triangle shows how screen time for education purposes, at home or at school, does more harm than good unless it's limited. All types of screen-based EdTech (even Transformative) can isolate students from their teachers or peers.As such, and in order for students to develop skills in collaboration, empathy, and critical thinking, screen time limits should be followed.
Everyschool.orgMore Favorite Product Recommendations

Screen Smart Facebook Group
Reach out to other screen smart parents in this private Facebook GroupIt’s a great place for screen curious parents to connect and hear from other parents AND STC experts, gain recommendations and ask questions without the mass amount of postings in other large groups!Welcome! If you are looking for inspiration on Social Media to help you manage your family’s screen time check out our Instagram page to connect with other influencers.
Join FB Group

Loftie: Smart Alarm Clocks
Sleep Training Isn't Just For Babies Technology, blue light, and stress hurt our ability to feel relaxed, fall asleep, and wake up refreshed. Loftie is out to break the cycle by removing the smartphone from bedtime and morning routines. This is great for adults and teens to learn new bedtime routines, one good night’s sleep at a time. Protect mental health with quality sleep routines. We love Loftie clocks for kids and adults to set phones aside in another room and focus on sleep. byloftie

Blue Light Protector
Blue light from devices is well researched to cause damage to eyes and skin, but most users still go unprotected! Ocushield protects with screen overlays, glasses, and special lights to reduce the amount of blue light that penetrates our eyes causing long lasting damage. Plus online vision tests!

EyeConnect game is fun for adults and families to unplug and, set tech aside, and connect in meaningful ways. There is a reason for the board game revolution-- it greatly helps relationships, emotional intelligence and self-confidence to interact in person rather than online!

Life Skills App
Created just for families learning how to re-program new habits offline, this app created by STC member Michael Jacobus is a great way to stay on track with activities that matter most in life to help teens grow up well rounded and screen strong! Life Skills App Reset Summer Camp, Inc. Designed for iPhone
Get the App

High Level Meditation
BrainTap is the fastest way to reprogram your brain from negative online influences and tap into your subconscious to support digital detox reprogramming of your brainwaves and mind-body connections! BrainTap
2023 Senate Hearings on Social Media

Video Clips

Kids Don't Grow Out Of Gaming and Scrolling, AI Makes It Virtually Impossible to Stop Without Mindful Intervention
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